Crash with Debugger when using LiDAR

I frequently crash out when I run an AR session using my LiDAR iPad Pro. The error is:
  • [ADMillimeterRadiusPairsLensDistortionModel applyDistortionModelToPixels:inPixels:intrinsicsMatrix:pixelSize:distort:outPixels:] (). 

The crash only happens when debugging, so I expect it is a resource issue. To try to fix it, sometimes I restart Xcode, sometimes I force quit the app, sometimes I unplug and replug the device from the computer. Nothing consistently works that I've found.

Anything I can do to avoid it?
Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 613586022
Are you able to reproduce this still with the latest iOS14 Seed?
Accepted Answer
Are you able to reproduce this still with the latest iOS14 Seed?
I have not yet installed iOS 14 on my LiDAR device. I will install it today and test again.
So far on iOS 14, I have not encountered this crash again, so I am optimistic that it has been addressed
Crash with Debugger when using LiDAR