"There are still screenshot uploads in progress." error when submitting new build

I am getting two errors on submit:

• There are still screenshot uploads in progress.
• There was an unexpected error with your preview.

I've checked all my screenshots and preview in the Media Manager and all of them are visible (no grey images) so everything seems fine.

What can be the reason and how to fix this?

I strongly prefer not to delete all screenshots and start over from the beginning because uploading them seems to be a very big problem with the new AppStore connect site. It constantly fails, freezes and takes hours just for one language. I am wondering why is so hard to upload a bunch of images.

Since this is an Apple server-side issue, here's a fix that worked for me:

  1. Save current changes in your submission. If the "Save" button is greyed out, then this is ok.
  2. Turn off the WiFi of your computer.
  3. Clear the cache of your web browser.
  4. Turn on your computer's WiFi.
  5. Log-in again to Apple Store Connect.
  6. Go to the specific app where you encountered the problem. This time, it shows one or few greyed out screenshots that causes the problem. You can just delete this screenshot by hovering over it and pressing the red delete button that appears. You can just re-upload such screenshots or just completely exclude it in the previews.

Hope it works for you too.

"There are still screenshot uploads in progress." error when submitting new build