ITMS-90118: Invalid routing app setting. Why is it every time I submit for App Store it says Invalid Binary?

When Submitting new App version for Review, the status changed to Invalid Binary and I got an email saying the following:

We identified one or more issues with a recent submission for App Store review for your app, ****************. Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
ITMS-90118: Invalid routing app setting: To upload a routing app coverage file on App Store Connect, you must define the app binary as a routing app.
Hi, I have the same bug. I don't use any map/direction features and i don't need this. But binary reviewer each time says, that routing app setting is missed.
The only reason why it's going on, for my opinion, is that in first app submission i've added this file. Then, on the next submissions, i delete it - but no difference, the error remains.
Did you fix this? We're getting the same rejection message. Our app is not a routing/maps app but we DID upload a coverage file for version 1.0 (first release). This was a mistake that we made because it was our first ever App Store release.

For our second release we are getting rejected constantly, even after removing the app coverage file from the release dashboard for the previous and for the new versions.
We've got similar error,

Code Block
ITMS-90116: Invalid Info.plist: To include the MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModes key in the Info.plist, you must define the app binary as a routing app.

we've tried to reupload new build with correct geojson file, but no luck

Are there are any updates on it?

Thank you in advance,
Hi, I am encountering the same issue. Did you manage to solve it?
Someone could solve it, I have the same problem, my application did not use a function of Maps, I uploaded the geosjon thinking it was necessary and then I eliminated it and it no longer lets me send the binary file to revision.
I'm seeing the same thing. I created geojson file, uploaded it as the Routing App Coverage File and submitted it for approval. It was rejected as an invalid binary. I then realized a routing app coverage file is not what I needed and blanked out the file, resubmitted the app and it is still rejected for the same reason.

I don't need a routing app coverage file. I was able to limit my app to the USA only in the Pricing and Availability section.

How can I get past this?
Hello, I have the same problem. I uploaded my .geojson file but my app got rejected. Than I realized I did not need a Routing App Coverage File so I removed it but my app still get rejected for Invalid Binary.

Heres the error I'm receiving:
"TMS-90118: Invalid routing app setting: To upload a routing app coverage file on App Store Connect, you must define the app binary as a routing app."

Looking for a way out! Thx

Hi, I had the same issue as Sportfolios and needed to get rid of both the routing coverage file and the ITMS-90118 error.

The issue is likely coming from the fact that you can't "save" the submission process when you only delete your geojson file. To have the file removal recognized, change something in your submission data (i.e: documentation notes) just so that you can press save and resubmit. 30 minutes after this submission and I have yet to get an invalid binary error.
I have found a working solution to the error where you have *previously uploaded a geojson*, but then removed it in the dashboard because you don't need it anymore, because your app binary does not use routing and therefore does not have the MKDirections* properties in the app's plist-file:
  1. Remove the routing file

  2. Save

  3. Add the routing file (now, be quick for the next step)

  4. When the upload happens, there is a small "Delete" link next to the upload field. Press it before the upload happens

  5. Save

If you were too slow to perform the step 4 after the step 3, just restart from the beginning at step 1.

The trick is that there seems to be a difference in the "Delete" link briefly displayed and the "Remove" button once it is uploaded.

Folks, good luck in releasing your app!
Big thanks to @babalunda1980 for the spot on answer!

You just saved my day!
@babalunda1980's fix did not work for us.

What worked for us :
  1. upload a wrong geojson file (you'll have a red notification saying it doesn't match Apple criteria)

  2. click the delete button next to it

  3. save something in the copyright section to save the changes

  4. send for review

I hope this helps :)

I had the same issue. For the removal of the .geoJSON file to be taken into account, I had to

  • suppress the build from the submission page
  • disconnect from the AppStore connect
  • reconnect to the AppStore connect
  • re-add the (same) build

Then, resubmitting for validation went smooth.

I am getting the same issue. I do not have the .geojson file, and routing is not enabled in my app, as I do not need anything related to maps, but I keep getting this from apple in review.

ITMS-90118: Invalid routing app setting. Why is it every time I submit for App Store it says Invalid Binary?