Uploading screenshots to App Store Connect fails

Uploading screenshots for an update to my app is consistently failing today. Dragging and dropping the image into the field shows the spinner fill then the image appears. The save button never enables.

If I change some other metadata the save button appears. Clicking it works but then the "uploaded" image has a big red explanation point on it. Hovering the image states IMAGE_TOOL_FAILURE.

Is there anything I can do on my end to get this working or is it a bug in App Store Connect? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

: ( Same problem, please help

I had the same issue. What worked for me is to untick the Alpha option on Mac. Open the Image on Mac-> Export -> Remove the Alpha tick -> Save. After that managed to upload them successfully

I run into this today, too. 3 out of 7 of my screenshots failed. Consistently and always the same three.

I tried renaming the file and exporting it as a PNG without the alpha channel, but it didn't work.

What worked was going out of the "Media Manager" page re-uploading only one of the "invalid" screenshots. When I went back to the home page for the app, the screenshot didn't show the IMAGE_TOOL_FAILURE error. I repeated the process for the other two, again by uploading only one via Media Manager and then going out of that page, and it worked.

Go figure...

Having the same issue today in 2022. Only some screenshots appear like this, others are uploaded correctly. Annoying and silly things like this never happen on Google App publishing. No explanation online other than "it's a bug" and this has been reported YEARS ago.

Still having the same issue here

Uploading screenshots to App Store Connect fails