Invalid Binary

I'm trying to submit a new version of my app. I get an Invalid binary notification but no email and no details on what is wrong. I've been fighting this for two days now. Appreciate any ideas or help. My app passes validation fine. I'm using xcode 8. I'm on OS X El Capitan 10.11.6

I have the same problem. Anyone else have the same problem?

I downgraded back to xcode 7 and the problem went away.

Yep, same problem here with macOS Sierra and Xcode 8.2.1 and submitting an app to the Mac App Store.

Funny thing is, previous verions of the app, 1.0, 1.0.1, and 1.0.2 submission worked okay. Nothing has changed as far as entitlements, or code signing, or provisioning profiles. And yet, I am unable to submit 1.0.3 of my app. It gives me the unhlepful "Invalid Binary" message. And in one email:

App sandbox not enabled - The following executables must include the "" entitlement with a Boolean value of true in the entitlements property list. Refer to the App Sandbox page for more information on sandboxing your app.

Which wasn't true, as the codesign command-line utility showed that the binary had the app-sandbox entitlement set to true.

I even went as far as revoking all previous certificates, and deleting all provisioning profiles, and regenerating from scratch. And turning off Xcode's automatic management of code-signing and ensuring release builds are using the production codesigning and provisioning profiles. Nothing.

Apple App Review suggested I open a Technical Support Incident, as they were unable to help, which I've done now. Still waiting.

Something appears to be seriously broken with Apple's app submission process viz. code-signing and provisioning profiles.

>Something appears to be seriously broken

If reports here are any indication, yes. The backend always seems to act out in one way or another, but after the recent holiday shutdown, things seem worse.

Reproduced again, XCode 12.4. And no comments from Apple' tech support at all. Grave silence.
Same problem here: invalid certificate error after updating Xcode.

Also, I'm a relatively new Apple user (needed to buy one because Apple doesn't allow other platforms to compile iOS apps...) and I would be grateful if someone can explain me how forums work in the Apple universe. What i'm used to in regard to support forums is that someone posts a problem and then others post solutions. This forum, however, all seems to be about one person posting a problem and then many others posting confirmations that they also have the problem - i never find a solution here to iOS/Apple-related problems i have (the closest thing to a solution that i've seen here is the occassional "oh you have to email support"). Wth is this.

Invalid Binary