Top of screen flickering/touchscreen unresponsive

Ever since I updated my iPhone 6 Plus to IOS 10 public beta 5 (never had issues before beta 5) the top of the screen randomly starts to flicker gray and progressively starts to trickle down to about halfway down. Also during that time the touchscreen is completely unusable and will sometimes randomly select items or apps all by it self. The home button and lock button still work. I can however have Siri perform tasks for me (ex: send text, play music). The only thing that seems to work is wait it out. After the flickering stops, it takes about 1-2 mins for the touchscreen to active. I've hard restarted several times and sometimes that will correct it right off the bat, but usually it will just resume to where it left off. I just updated to IOS 10 public beta 6 and the problem still persists. I've tried to screen shot the flickering but it does not capture it and the picture looks normal. I've tried addressing this also through the Apple feedback app but they are just stuck in the outbox. It's says they are compressing but they've been doing that for 3 plus days now. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

I'm having the same problem, also on an iPhone 6+, seems like it may have even been before iOS 10 beta 5, but is REALLY bad in beta 6.

I have EXACTLY the same problem on my 6+.... but my friend have the same model (6+ gold ) and he is on beta 7 and he don't have any problem with that and my other iphone the 6 same ... NO PROBLEM.....

This started happening to me today. 1st time my phone has done this and I'm also on a 6 plus. I wasn't having this issue in the last beta though but since i updated to beta 6 it started doing this.

I am having the same issue with the top of the screen flickering and then everything freezing. I sent feedback already to apple.

My iPhone 6 Plus is not completely useless . It flickers a white line and then travels to the middle of my iPhone . Touch screen is unresponsive. It there a fix for this yet ? Hopefully Apple puts out another beta soon to fix this issue .

To some extent I'm delighted I'm not the only one having these problems. I was beginning to think this was perhaps a coincidental hardware fault rather than a software issue.

I have tried to report these issues to Apple but what I see is:

  1. The touchscreen becomes unresponsive to touch. (I don't see any flickering)
  2. The touchscreen is triggered by spurious 'touch' events e.g. launching apps, typing spurious text, activating the share sheet. Last night after a restart I was one spurious click away from calling the emergency services!
  3. When this is happening I am unable to answer phone calls or reply by preset text messages.
  4. A restart doesn't seem to fix this - as others have said it's a case of waiting it out.
  5. I've also tried reporting this through feedback app but they are stuck in the outboxwhere it reports they are compressing.
  6. I have seen this problem through betas 4 and 5 and beta 6 is particulaly bad, to the entent my iPhone is unusable the majority of the time.

From the reports here, it appears this issue is affecting the older 6/6+ phones rather than the 6S/6S+ generation.

Like others, with beta 6 this has reached a point where my phone is unusable and I think I need to make the effort to revert to iOS 9 unless an update comes out in the next day or so.

So mac rumors just released this article. and it's the exact issue i'm having.

It's called touch disease.

I've now reverted my phone back to iOS9 and the problems with the unresponsive screen are still present, although not as bad.

I'm forced to the conclusion this is a hardware fault, one that just happened to coincide with using the beta.I suppose out of a billion iPhones, lots of beta testers and a common fault that can happen.

This problem is actually becoming an epidemic right now. We are not the only ones. Just google iPhone 6 touch disease. It's def a hardware issue and not related to IOS 10 at all. Apple isn't acknowledging it either and they won't cover it past warranty even though it's a flaw on their behalf. They'll probably have a class action law suite on their hands at some point. A temporary fix is to push on the touchscreen. The problem is only gonna get worse and render the phone useless at some point.

My issue is resolved by getting a new iPhone 6 Plus from Apple . It was a hardware issue. The rep. I spoke to stated that if your phone was bent slightly the screen would not sit flat causing the above issue. This may also move the motherboard . I did not think my phone was bent. I had the apple care plus plan so it was replaced for free.

@LilFish27, I too have the same problem with my iPhone 6 plus and it is very annoying. I maintain my phone really well and it has a protective case and all. This is a definate hardware design flaw and what do people who don't have any apple care plus plan.

Does anyone know what we should do next to get this issue fixed.

I bought a pre-owned Iphone 6 a little over a month ago and the phone has been working flawlessly.

Last week, I switched from pre-paid to post-paid service, got a new sim card and almost immediately the phone started flickering and acting up. I thought maybe it was a bad sim card, but after checking around, I see that a lot of people having the same problem which turn out to be hardware.

The phone is slowly becoming less responsive, flickering more and I'm unable to use it or turn if off at times. It's in an Otter Box Defender case and I handle it with kid gloves (apparently Apple is blaming people for this touch disease stating they have dropped or bent their phones). I guess it's possible the person who sold it to me knew about the problem, but this phone is pristine, I mean, there's not a scratch on it, so I find it hard to believe the phone was tossed around.

I'm pretty disappointed with Apple. If this is a defect (which obviously it is), they shouldn't be charging for repairs. I mean, why would anyone need this $149 repair if the phone isn't defective? I assume this repair includes...a repair.

I guess I should be...glad? At least I didn't pay $600 for this defective piece of phone.

There is the same issue with my iphone5 when upgraded to ios10.3.1 as well as ios10.2.1 and ios10.3.The Touch screen can be used for five minutes at beginning.Please fix this issue!Thanks!

I have the same problems since downloading 10.3.1, and my phone is close to useless. I hope this problem is fixed soon!!!

This just began for me today. I've found that the best way to get it temporarily working again is to give it a good pound or ***** on the back, kind of like an old school TV (for those of you old enough to remember those 😉

I am also having the same issue and my headphone jack is also not working and ive reported both issues to apple. I get the the same response. Even though it is talked about and hundreds of people report it on their official apple forums these issues still are recognised by apple as known issues for them to fix. The specialist on the phone recommended i buy a new iphone.

I found this today. Hope its true. Paid off the $300 "lease" on my phone then this starts. Looks like they are gonna fix for $149 fee though it's a design flaw.


Back up your iPhone and expect the worst if you are past warranty. Most probably the screen is warped and/or motherboard is displalced. Have you dropped your iPhone lately. In the future, buy a good case for your phone and keep it away from heat and moisture.

This is because of the "bendgate"

bigger iphones bend and then the touch IC starts losing contact. I have same issue with my iphone 6 plus and I looked at the phone sideways and found its very slightly bent, so i twisted it and straightened and the problem is fixed for now. I am sure the problem will return after few days, but I can bend again 🙂

Top of screen flickering/touchscreen unresponsive