Is there anyway to delete unused icloud containers?

I have tested some projects to use iCloud and there are some unused icloud containers left behind. Is there anyway to delete them? Thanks in advance.

Not as far as I can tell. Both in the CloudKit Dashboard and in the Developer Portal profile manager, there is no way I can find to delete iCloud containers or container IDs. The CloudKit docs still say "Containers can't be deleted."

This is frustrating, as it was extremely easy to create them last year and there were comments that Apple intended to fix this. Now our CloudKit dashboard is stuck defaulting to a tutorial container from a year ago, rather than our app.

Hmmm... I see a radar on this Dec 2014:

My suggestion here would be to rename them with an UNUSED prefix to mark them as unused, and just move on until Apple decides to implement this.

It's probably a key a database somewhere that cannot be deleted.? Just a guess.

2018 there still seems to be no way to delete this.

Now my project is screwed due to me ceating a container for a client under my own account.

Apple needs to get off their collective ***** and fix this. Its been an issue for how many years? At least three that I know of.

At least we should be able to hide them from showing up in our dashboard. This has been an issue for years. It is time to fix it.

In 2019 with Xcode 10 it messed me up quite a bit. The thing is, when you enable CloudKit from Capabilities, Xcode/Apple created a container automatoically with your bundle ID, which I don't use and I have other containers there already. This way unused containers poluted my dashboard/workspace to reward your productivity...

I feel your pain. I enabled CloudKit and iCloud drive and before I could sneeze, it associated a very old experimental app to the new app. Now, even though I have the correct identifier associated with my app, the old experimental identifier is also associated with it and I can't find a way to clean it out. It shows up in the provisioning profile in the app. I have spent literally hours trying to fix this but haven't been successful.

There is is still no way of deleting iCloud containers! 2020-06-26
There is is still no way of deleting iCloud containers! 2020-07-16
still no possible

I'm trying to delete some test containers, which clutter my dashboard and are not used anymore, and I don't find a way to delete them. After years, this is surreal...
Is there anyway to delete unused icloud containers?