iOS 9 beta iCloud backup can't be deleted

I had iOS 9 beta for a little while and my iCloud did a backup, then I downgraded to iOS 8.3 due to bugs, and I wanted to delete my backup for extra storage, but it won't let me do it on any platform (iPhone, Mac). What should I do because I need that storage


Backup 0kb using iCloud disk space:

Settings > ICloud > Backup ON

Settings > ICloud > Storage > Manage Storage > (Backups) Your Device > Show all Apps (important or you get an error if you delete backup without this step) > Scroll > Delete Backup

Works for me with IOS9 (13A344).


"Manage Storage and select Your Phone"

This is just the Point wich doesn't work on those Phantom Backups.


Settings > ICloud > Backup OFF

Settings > ICloud > Backup ON

Do you have more than one device ?

I somehow worked it out.

I followedAVAIDI's posting

by turning Backup OFF and ON, go to Manage Storage > My Device > Show all Apps > Scroll down and tried to delete Backup, but failed.

Then I tried to uncheck all the boxes of all my apps (after "Show all Apps" step), and due to the fact that I had to confirm deleting every time, my patience went out after unchecking the first several apps (the first one should be the Photo Library) and the last several apps. I unchecked about 1 / 3 of all the apps in total. Then I tried to delete the Backup, and now it worked! I then went to iCloud > Backup, and it let me backup again.

p.s. I previously had issue via backup because I have a 0kb backup that couldn't be deleted, and its date was 7/26/15. I see the date everytime when I turned the Backup off and on again (it shows "Last backup: 07/26/15"). After deleting I was able to get rid of this date, and it now shows "Last backup: Never").

p.p.s I upgraded to iOS 9 public release (from beta) last night. As I remeber, I turned of Backup since I updated to iOS 9 beta becasue it went crazy notifying me my iCloud storage is insufficient. So I suppose the update simply turned on my iCloud backup again (it started nofifying me this morning)

I will update if anything strange happen again, and if not, I guess this is the solution to me.

UPDATE: I finished backup, and all looks good to me.

I have the date issue. Even with iOS 9 full release. Now I have two phantom iOS backups and no storage left. Apple support claims that I still have 4 gigabytes of free storage but that's bull s**t.

Same issue- turned of the new drive as well, down to bare bones and still get "not enough storage" message.

Still no luck at all. Tons of space eaten up on iCloud, backups won't complete to it, and now with the new version of iTunes I can't backup to my computer anymore either. I have no idea what to do, have been backing up faithfully since I got my iPhone 3G in 2008. Someone at Apple please help!

Cliff's Notes version: call Support and ask for a Tier 2 tech...they'll be able to free up iCloud storage taken up by phantom backup data. I still had phantom data in my iCloud even after following the different solutions from this thread and others. GM and final release still did not free up the space. It took 3 calls to Support before I finally got a fix. The support rep had to elevate to a Tier 2 tech, who was able to delete the corrupt backup. He explained that there were problems with the beta backups, and that engineering deleted the bad backups but did not release the storage space.

Thanks for the advice Bonotjames.

I called AppleCare and they refused to help, telling me it was 'nornmal'. They honestly didnt seem to know what they were talking about going

Thats twice now ive called and found someone who really doesnt seem to know much about the platform theyre supporting.

Will Developer engineers do this for public beta testers? I have this exact same problem and wasted many hours with Apple Support for them to tell me no one can do anything. I'd like to reclaim my space but there is no possible way for me on my end to do it. Apple's solutions don't even work.

I just got this issue *resolved* after referring to this thread and speaking to a senior support person at Apple. Thank you Deanna!

To clear the phantom backup, whether it is incomplete, or in my case complete (and showing up in the initial list of restores on a new device, but no where else) - have Apple support "release the reserved storage" from the back end of iCloud.

I had 1.6 GB of backups on my device, but 3.3 on, and after they released it via me sending them a troubleshooting PIN, my storage totals matchd up again.

This morning, the broken Backup was gone.🙂

Seems, that Apple has solved the problem.

Two devices.

So why ever, the broken backup was gone this morning. Now I had some problems making a new backup with my iPad, but at the third try it is now completed.

Next - iPhone - i will see 😐

Thx, this worked like a charm.

Added the solution to my reported bug