Safari couldnt install profile

Hello All

i had a device 6s was enrolled in puplic bita. i got a new one and i start to enroll the new device in the beta program but always i have an error saying "Safari could not install the profile due to unknown error" any help or advice to solve this and get the profile installed in the new device?

thank you

Did you do a restore from a backup first?

What a pain... I cleaned my phone to install the beta and now not able to install the profile... Please let me know if anyone avble to find solution

could this be related to the profile being expired mine is showing installed but expired on July 1st. If I try to click on the download link in safarI I also get the message cannot install profile. Is this just because I've already got it installed? Or could this be a problem for everyone using the apple link?

I'm getting the same error message!! "CANNOT INSTALL PROFILE"

someone please add advice to the thread

I have the very same problem. Foolish me, tried to fix this by deleting the profile; now I'm unable to re-install it.

Having the same issue on my iPhone which was running the iOS 9.3.3 beta 4. I tried Deleting the profile from the settings panel but ended up unable to reinstall it. I have an iPad too, so I checked and also unable to download the profile. I tried on another iPhone (which I don't own) to see it not related to my account and still facing the same issue. Either Apple don't have a new certificate in place. Or they are preparing for the iOS public beta.

I think it's likely they are both preparing for the final shipping version of 9.3.3. And or public beta of ios10 I'm going to leave everything as is and wait until next week to see what happens.

i have same problem .....please tell me what to do

I reached out to apple developer support but they refused to help me because I'm not a registered developer. I'm using iOS 9.3.3 public beta 4; who should help me in this case?!

It looks like the iOS 9.3.3 beta profile has expired and Apple has chosen not to renew it. See the Downloads page; there is a profile available for the iOS 10 beta, but not the iOS 9.3.3 beta. It seems that you will have to install the iOS 9.3.3 beta 4 via iTunes instead of OTA now.

EDIT: Forgot to add, when I installed beta 4 from iTunes using Option - Check for Updates (as described in the "iOS beta Software Installation Guide" at the bottom of the downloads page), iTunes gave an error message about an "invalid reponse" when the device restarted after the install. However, the installation was fine, and I did not have to restore from a backup - all my apps and data were still on the device.

I am having the same issue as you are. I tried installing the iOS 9.3.3 configuration profile on my iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 6 Plus , and my iPad Air 2 and I am getting the error message Cannot Install Profile. Safari could not install a profile due to an unknown error.

I have the same problem. I would very much like to fix it.

Hi here in Italy same issue, cancelled old expired one and no way to instal another one. Help

Managed to get it to work by setting date manually to the 30th of June and redownloading the profile, afterwards set date back and all is fine ! Hope this helps.

This worked! Thanks!

Thanks. Setting the date to 30 Jun worked with me.

It worked for me too, thanks

Nice work!, I already had a profile installed and even though the profile said it was expired I still was able to get the 9.3.3 beta 5 software update, curious to know if the profile you installed now still shows July 1st 2016 expiry date? seems like the expiry date dosent matter as long as you have a profile installed from my experience, good to know now of this trick changing the date incase I need to re-download the profile.

Did you ever find out how to fix it ?
Safari couldnt install profile