NSDocumentDirectory used to be in 'Mobile Documents'. Not any more?

So I have been using iCloud in my app, just about from the launch of the iCloud API, many years back.

I'm doing an update of my app now, and I noticed that my iCloud functionality is broken.

Scanning for local documents, gives me a whole bunch of iCloud documents.

Yet, if I want to open one, I find that the file is actually not there, according to NSFileManager.

/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/APPID~com~steenriver~tlctc/Documents/ is where I used to load these documents from.

But now, the files are no longer there, even though they were found in the NSDocumentDirectory.

Did NSDocumentDirectory change sometime in the past?



PS: It pains me that I, as an early adopter, now get hit by this.


So this is how I look for iCloud documents:

Class cls = NSClassFromString(@"NSMetadataQuery");
_query = cls ? [ [ cls alloc ] init ] : nil;

if ( !_query )
return nil;

// Search the Documents subdirectory only.
[ _query setSearchScopes:[ NSArray arrayWithObject:NSMetadataQueryUbiquitousDocumentsScope ] ];

// Add a predicate for finding the documents.
NSString* filePattern = [ NSString stringWithFormat:@"*.%@", @"cranelevel" ];
[ _query setPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K LIKE %@",NSMetadataItemFSNameKey, filePattern ] ];

return _query;

// Create the query object if it does not exist.
if ( !_query )
[ self makeTextDocumentQuery ];

if ( !_query )
return; // if still not there, just give up.

// Register for the metadata query notifications.
NSNotificationCenter* nc = [ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ];
[ nc addObserver:self
[ nc addObserver:self

// Start the query and let it run.
[ _query startQuery ];

And finaly, I gather the results of the query.

// The query reports all files found, every time.
NSArray* documents = [ _query results ];

//NSFileManager *fm = [ NSFileManager defaultManager ];
for ( NSMetadataItem* item in documents )
NSURL* url = [ item valueForAttribute:NSMetadataItemURLKey ];
NSString* name = [ item valueForAttribute:NSMetadataItemDisplayNameKey ];
[ documentURLs setObject:url forKey:name ];
//const BOOL inCloud = [ fm isUbiquitousItemAtURL:url ];
NSLog( @"discovered %d documents in the cloud", (int)[ documents count ] );

But if I try to open an url, as reported by the query, I see that this fails:

[ fm fileExistsAtPath:[ url path ] ]

This code used to work.

What is causing the break?



I've been digging through the docs, but it looks like as of iOS8, there is now the concept of a Promised Resource in iOS?

And testing those for existence with NSFileManager will fail, it seems.

How did this ever work pre-iOS8?

Was the break in iOS8 intentional?

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