WPA 2 Enterprise wireless not working?

Has anyone else had issues getting WPA 2 enterprise wireless (PEAP, TTLS w/ MSCAPv2) working in El Capitain?


It sounds like Apple has changed minimium requirements for 802.1x authentication. We run an Aruba wireless and I checked with them going through some posts here to see what was going on with it. They said that they were releasing an update to their firmware for my controller and APs last week that would fix the issue. It was not released before I had left for the day so I was unable to try. I would check with your networking device support to see if they are aware of it, many times they know about it and have a release date set for the update.

So there is still not any fix for this?

We're a Cisco house and seeing issues. Here's the story so far:

iOS9/OSX10.11 beta 1, PSK and PEAP were not working for us on iOS 9 or OS X

iOS9/OSX10.11 beta 2, PSK working for OS X, not iOS 9. PEAP still broken

iOS9/OSX10.11 beta 3, PSK working for OS X and iOS 9. PEAP still broken

We're about to capture a whole bunch of logs for Apple/Cisco

My school has Aruba access points as well and I have the same issue. I'm hoping they update their access point firmware soon.

1.) Open Keychain 2.) delete the radius key of your institute 3.) reconnect 4.) enjoy

I am not sure what controller model you have, but if you are running Aruba OS upgrade to version and the issue is resolved.

Hey guys just an update.

We needed to update to RADIUS 2.2.8, this fixed our issue. We were on 2.2.6.

Installed El Capitan Public Beta 3, still seeing the same problem. I wonder if this will ever be fixed.

The issue is not with El Capitain, the issue is with your wireless. Your wireless needs a firmware upgrade to update RADIUS and the encryption standards that Apple is looking for. It is not an issue with Apple.

Can you back up this claim? If I go to my sysadmin with just "Hey, this guy on the internet said" I probably won't get anything done.

Sure. I work as the Manger of Desktop Support for a private High School. I am in charge of the Wireles infrastructure for the school, for which we use Aruba Networks. I spoke directly with Aruba when I had this issue and they told me that they had to update their software and were aware of the changes Apple made in the software and made the chages in their software. They have since issued updates and I have not had any problems running WPA2 802.1x authentication on my wireless on both El Capitain and iOS 9.

Any solution yet? I don't dare to update due to this problem - I need to be able to connect or else I'm screwed. With the iOS9 update on my iPad and iPhone last night, I can not connect to the WiFi at work, but at home it works just fine.

Yes. Please see posts later on in this post. There is nothing wrong with iOS 9 on this issue. This issue is with the wireless you use. The firmware on the controller needs to be updated. I have not had an issue with this after I found this out.


I am trying to connect to my university network (eduroam) and it fails.It works fine at home.

I tried your remedy and I tried to delet the radius in key chain, but the problem is still there.

Do U have any other suggestion to solve this issue?