Kaspersky, Sophos, Norton: all security software fails, Kext problem?

beta 11.4 broke all security (virus) software: kaspersky won't install anymore, and when it was already installed Save bankng fails. Sophos online scanner fails, Norton fails, virus protection is disabled in all three these apps.

Is this another problem due to kext signing?

EndpointSecurity framework was introduced in 10.15. Please start migrating your kexts to system extension and adopt EndpointSecurity framework. For details see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/EndpointSecurity and watch WWDC 2020 session 10159: Build an Endpoint Security App. For further information on system extension, see WWDC 2019 session 702: System Extensions and DriverKit.
Kaspersky, Sophos, Norton: all security software fails, Kext problem?