corrupt health database


After installing the beta IOS reported me that my ios health database is corrupted. It's been not working since I tried an apple watch.

Is there a way to start fresh the health database ? (it's not been working for the last 3month)

I did reinstall IOS with 'new iphone' and it was working, but when I restored my icloud ios backup it failed again. I need my icloud backups



I have had same issue since updating to iOS 9.3 beta 1. I was hoping that the beta 1.1 would fix but unfortunately no. The app quits every time I try to edit my emergency contact card. I do not see any way to erase the database and start it over again without wiping the entire phone and starting off new. Please help.

I had this issue back with one of the iOS 9 betas. Never resolved. The fix is giant PITA but it does work:

- Make a unencrypted to iTunes. This way your HealthKit data doesn't get saved.

- Erase your iPhone

- Restore from the unencrypted backup.

In 9.3 beta 3, I deleted an item in the Health app that was saved there by the Sleep++ Watch app. The Health app crashed and I could never start it again. I tried to restore a day old iCloud backup, but can't, I get an authetication failed message every time.

corrupt health database