There was an error importing this build.

For some reason the build that I uploaded on itunesconnect for testflight shows error There was an error importing this build. There is no additional information about the error nor searching for the issue helped. Can anyone point me why this kind of error occurs.



I encountered this 20 mins and after that, it show tips "ITC.apps.preReleaseBuild.errors.processingFailed", not sure what it is, waiting the "processing".


No luck after one night, the same error "there was an error importing this build" is back...

I am getting this error have submitted two builds today that get to iTunes connect and then fail any suggestions guys ?

Three builds failed now no additional information

6 failed attempts now, they upload fine then fail on Apples server. It is imperritive we get the app submitted today it 4.19am and I cannot get the app uploaded have tried Application Loader and also tried not uploading with bitcode nothing is working, two attempts crashed the Mac and it was booted off my network, I couldn't get internet back on the Mac without rebooting router whilst PC, phones etc were all connected to internet just fine. Is anyone from Apple going to reply officially to this post?

Well at least I'll stop trying now that I know its not me. 3 attempts witht he same unhelpfull error.

I have the same error "There was an error importing this build."

I have tried to upload more than one binary of the same app using:

- Xcode 7.3;

- Transporter (upload via command line);

- Application Loader 3.0

But the same error appear.

The problem is that this error is too general to understand what's happening.

Tried again today, with the same result.

I have contacted Apple support and received a good answer to resolve this problem!

I have just started getting this issue today. It is timed with me turning Bitcode on which is a bit weird. It failed with the submission from XCode so now I am trying Application Loader. I will keep you updated. Where is Apple on this issue!?

Also Application Loader failed. I have no choice but to turn Bitcode back off and try again..

As soon as I switched off Bitcode the build processed successfully. Bitcode must be broken on Apple's end. Would love to hear why this is the case and when this will be fixed?

Same issue on my end. Bitcode issue, turning it off worked.

This worked for me:

- Clean product

- Restart Xcode

- Change version number

- Build on actual device (iPhone 6S, iOS 9.3.2)

- Archive and upload

I experienced a similar issue today with Xcode 7.3.1. It turned out one of my dynamic libraries had been built with bitcode enabled, but my app settings had bitcode off. When I enabled bitcode for my app I was able to upload the binary without problems. So perhaps the issue is caused by a bitcode setting "mismatch" with and app and an included dylib? Too bad the Validate stage doesn't catch this.

no json request was provided in the payload

The problem how did you deel last...