error itms 90534 (Solved! Thank you!)

ITMS-90534: "Invalid toolchain. New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of XCode 6or later, and ios 8 SDK or later. ios 9 apps for internal TestFlight testers must be built with the latest seed of the ios SDK and uploaded with the latest seed of Xcode"

I just got this error when Submitting my app. I am using xCode beta currently. Does anyone know how to get around this problem??



Answered by KMT in 84879022

Well, there you go! That message says it all. Believe it. Devs are only allowed to build and upload for the store using release tools for that, not betas.

That makes Xcode 7.1 from the Mac App Store your new friend.

Good luck.

Submit for what?


Store distribution?

error itms 90534 (Solved! Thank you!)