How to link to Apple TV app?

Will there be web browser/iTunes accessible links for Apple TV apps? Can an app be purchased through iTunes on another device type? How do I link to my app from an external website?

  • Get the link to your iOS app and add this at the end: #?platform=appleTV


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Bumping this because it still seems there is no way to link to tvOS only apps from the web... pretty serious issue. How are we supposed to drive downloads from marketing materials? Tell people to search "chess?"


Try Apple's LinkMaker:

Are other tvOS only folks able to link to their apps?

Not I. The "View in App Store" link from the app page in iTC redirects to the iTunes app, of course (one of many extremely annoying things about iTunes) and there it says the app is not available, even though it's in the App Store on the TV.

Yes, this is the same behavior I'm seeing.

Bumping this because it still seems there is no way to link to tvOS only apps from the web... pretty serious issue. How are we supposed to drive downloads from marketing materials? Tell people to search "chess?"

I guess you have to tell them to search on the name... PITA, tho.

Reminds of me of the early days on the web when customer service wonks tried telling customers to go to URLS like "" - like that was perfectly acceptable and oh well if Gran'Ma couldn't get it right and had all the time in the world to keep trying until she did.

Then they figured out how to shorten landings and use half-decent search algos, because customer...that was, what, 20 years ago?

I think what they need to add is a "queue" like Netflix has. So you see a link to an apple tv app in the iTunes app store web page or the iTunes app store app itself and instead of "buy" you add to a "queue" so that when you go to your Apple TV you can review the list of apps you are interested in and buy them from there.......

Good idea, but something Apple is unlikely to adopt seeing as they take great pains to steer users towards the top of the store, where curated favs are like a guantlet. A scheme that avoids mainstreet is like poison to their master plan.