Developer Program Enrollment Error

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to enroll in the developer program as an 'Individual / Sole Proprietor / Single Person'. However after I select my entity type I get an Apple error that says 'Sorry, that page cannot be found.' ( I've tried creating a brand new Apple ID and get the same message, also tried multiple browsers and clearing chache. Any ideas what the problem may be?

I noted the same error last night when I tried enrolling, there is definitely something up with the page. I opened a ticket with Developer support, but am still awaiting a response (form email says I'd get a response in 24 hours or less). Maybe try submitting a ticket as well?

(In fact, I am in the forums to try to find an answer to that problem 🙂)

I have the same problem. I'm from Russia. May be that's why?

I had the same problem last night and this morning.

Same with me. I am from India

Same from Turkey...

Same from Germany

same from UK

There seems to be a Javascript error in the page - on "enrollment.js" file. Very basic errors, like instead of "$.fn.inputmask" they've written "$.inputmask", and then they've called "addPhoneMask" on an "each" function, etc. I dunno how they manage to push silly mistakes like this to a production website. Apple developers messing up with Apple developers page!

Thanks to everyone for the replies. Lets hope Apple can get this fixed up ASAP.

Same problem from NL. I hope they fix it soon!

You can change the link to

But I can't select a State in my contact information, which means that I cannot continue from that page.

Same from Bulgaria...

Same problem from China

Same from Spain

Same in Germany

Developer Program Enrollment Error