Developer Program Enrollment Error

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to enroll in the developer program as an 'Individual / Sole Proprietor / Single Person'. However after I select my entity type I get an Apple error that says 'Sorry, that page cannot be found.' ( I've tried creating a brand new Apple ID and get the same message, also tried multiple browsers and clearing chache. Any ideas what the problem may be?

Same from ITALY

I see in the browser console log these errors:

enrollment.js:80 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'defaults' of undefined(anonymous function)

enrollment.js:626 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).each(...).addPhoneMask is not a function

Same in South Africa

I've found a workaround...

  1. Install fiddler
  2. save enrollment.js to local disk
  3. comment statement @ line 80
  4. comment final .addphonemask(); @ line 626
  5. save changes.
  6. add a fiddler autoresponder rule on enrollment.js address and select local file (modified) enrollment.js
  7. reload enroll page
  8. 🙂

Same from Thailand.

Slightly simpler solution to the one already published: open developer tools, put a breakpoint on line 80 of enrollment.js (you can easily get there as there should be a link in the console pointing to this line because it throws an error; to set a breakpoint simply click on the number of the line). Then reload the page. The breakpoint pauses the loading on that line. In the console type:

$.inputmask = {};

Then Enter. Then click on the "play arrow" to resume the loading of the page. Enjoy.

Same for Ukraine

indeed your workaround helps and I've reached to fill up my company information,after I've done with it it doesn't allow me to continue

I could not get in there. can you appoint a step by step? Is it that page?

Same from Dubai

So how do you do this?

Same error in uk

Same from China

I was able to set the breakpoints like you instructed but not sure what play button you are referring to and am still getting the error.

Same here from Sydney, Australia

I cannot imagin how come apple leave this bug !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Developer Program Enrollment Error