ITMS-90096 - Cannot submit for TestFlight

After 2 successful buids, App Store uploads, reviews and TestFlight releases to my testers, today's build was not accepted with the following error

ERROR ITMS-90096: "Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 - New iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image referenced in the Info.plist under UILaunchImages with a UILaunchImageSize value set to {320, 568}. Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your bundle, or provided within each .lproj folder if you localize your launch images. Learn more about iPhone 5 support and app launch images by reviewing the 'iOS Human Interface Guidelines' at '' and the 'iOS App Programming Guide' at ''."

Nothing has changed with my app as far as setting for my launch screens - so I am puzzled.

Here is what I am doing:

• Deployment is set for iOS9

• using a Launch Screen File (a launch screen .storyboard file)

I should not need launch screens images as I am deploying greater than iOS7 and have my settings set to a Launch Screen File.


This is the only part of my info.plist that contains anyting about Launch. I do NOT have Launch Image Sources set.

The only difference in this info.plist is the addition of a custom key to hold a character.

I do have an Assets.xacessets they contain my AppIcon, however there is no Launch Images there as I do not need them.

I have read other people have problems with this in the past, but mostly it was due to them either

1) using storyboard files for Launch screens and still supporting devices below iOS7 or

2(actually using images and not having them set right or added to the bundle

I am just stumped why two builds passed upload process and this one stopped.

Any help would be appreciated!

I seem to have finally gotten my project to load. The error message was misleading.

I had moved my two storyboards around in the project structure to clean things up. While my Main.storyboard was located in:


My Launch Screen Storyboard was located in :


The info.plist was still referencing the Launch.storyboard, but evidently it needs to be in the localized directory. This was after trying for hours to begrudingly add fake launch images, etc to no avail.

I am hoping this is the case. It loaded up fine now after moving the launch.storyboard. Hope this helps someone else.

Thanks so much for your post. For my project, I could only avoid the iTMS error by moving my launch.storyboard to the project root. Your post was the clue I needed.

ITMS-90096 - Cannot submit for TestFlight