Disable focus change sound ?

I don't see the option anywhere but I have a game which is a straight viewcontroller using the focus engine, and everytime the focus changes the tv plays a sound. I was curious if there is a way to disable that so I can play my own game's sounds?

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There's no API to accomplish this. Please file a bug report at https://bugreport.apple.com for features you'd like to see.

  • That’s completely inaccurate!

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There's no API to accomplish this. Please file a bug report at https://bugreport.apple.com for features you'd like to see.

  • That’s completely inaccurate!

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Thanks! #22781863

I know this will sound hacky, but years ago you couldn't turn off the camera click sound, some guys figured out if you extracted the sound file, created the inverse of it and played it back when the sound was about to play, it audibly cancelled it out....very hacky, but also very cool.

I created #23942449 as well. Did you find any workarounds?

There are at least few apps that incorporate “audio mixing”

one of them is EMS radio, it maintains audio stream regardless of the user plays another audio file/online audio radio.

additionally, “ police scanner radio and fire”, the settings within this app have “audio mixing” feature.

so information provided above is incorrect.