Will "Pending Developer Release" stop Beta-Testing in Testflight


we are new to iTunes Connect and need some help.

If you choose "Manual release" while submitting an App for App Store Review the status after succesful review will be "Pending Developer Release".

If you choose "Automatic Release" while submitting an App for App Store Review the status after succesfulreview will be "Ready for Sale".

In the iTunes Connect Devoloper Guide it says: "When the app becomes "Ready for Sale" in the App Store, testing automatically stops on earlier builds, and you will be unable to view or test them."

My question:

1) Is it correct that the status "Pending Developer Release" won't stop testing automatically and our Beta-Tester still can test with Testflight?

2) Is it correct, that if we press "Release now" while the app status is "Pending Developer Release" it changes to "Ready for Sale" and Beta-Testing will stop?

Thank you so much for your help



Today, I've seen this. the answer is nope.

It won't stop the test flight. no worries.