_BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid capability (20)

With Xcode 7 beta 6 (and previous betas as well) I get error message from above everytime I rotate the device under the following conditions:

- only iphone. ipad is ok.

- view contains a map

The number in brackets at the end is sometimes 15, sometimes 20

Effect: The map is not resized correctly. Initially it is stuck to the bottom in portrait, but in lndscape there is estimated 50 px of free space that shows. Rotating back to portrait attaches the map back to the bottom.

I use Storyboard, but no constraints. Still with struts. Works percectly well on Xcode 6 / ios 8.

Nobody else with a _BSMachError in Xcode 7? What does this error message mean?

I am getting it with a GCD timer

I am getting this error when I try to fetch ios version, Xcode7 beta6

2015-09-07 18:24:26.252 Glimpulse[22533:212409] _BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid capability (20)

2015-09-07 18:24:26.252 Glimpulse[22533:212409] _BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid name (15)

Did not find support that can help solve the issue

I get them only on iPad. My assumption was that it had something to do with the iPad split view stuff I was working on, but if you're getting it on iPhone, I guess not! Here are the two errors that get logged to the output window:

_BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid capability (20)

_BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid name (15)

I'm also getting this error using Xcode 7 beta6. This happens for me when I switch between keyboards.

I got the error with NTLM + NSURLSession

I get these errors when the UITableView is reloaded.

Same error when debugging keyboard notifications with xCode 7.0 (7A220), iOS 9 Simulator:

2015-09-28 12:54:40.893 cosy[25533:6701806] _BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid capability (20)

2015-09-28 12:54:40.894 cosy[25533:6701806] _BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid name (15)

xCode 7.1 beta (7B75) with iOS 9.1 beta (real device) also shows the error.

xCode 7.0 (7A220) with either iOS 7.1 iPod or iOS 8.4.1 iPhone (real devices, not simulator) works fine (no error).

I faced the same problem but i fixed it by

Changing Localization native development region in info.plist to United States instead of en

I hope it helps

I was getting it as well, Localization native development region did NOT work for me.

I am seeing the error after setting the Audio Session on Xcode 7.0.1.

I am getting this error while fetching data from firebase
_BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid capability (20)