"...is not signed in using an Apple submission certificate."
1) you need to use a Provision Profile that is specifically for iOS Distribution, not iOS Development.
Create one here: https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/profileList.action?type=production
2) you need to use a Certificate that is specifically for Production (type: App Store and Ad Hoc).
Create one here: https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/certificate/certificateCreate.action
3) When creating your iOS Certificate, you need a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file from your Mac. The process is explained when creating the iOS Certificate.
4) Both the Distribution Provision Profile and the Distribution Certificate must be specified correctly in Xcode both under Targets > Sit > Build Settings > Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile, and Project > Sit > Build Settings > Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile.
5) Verify your CSR (Certificate Signing Request) was properly associated with your private key: Open Keychain Access and search "iPhone" to filter results. If there is no dorito/carrot/triangle/arrow to the left of "iPhone Distribution: Your Name" then the certificate was not signed correctly. Simply control + click and delete the certificate from Keychain Access. Then Revoke the Production certificate in the Member Center, under "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" and then generate a new one.
The link below is to "Troubleshooting Failed Signature Verification" in the iOS documentation. Listing 2 is relevant to your issue:
Listing 2 Alternate app validation error indicating the app is not signed with a provisioning profile suitable for submission.
The bundle is not signed using an Apple submission certificate.
See: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/tn2318/_index.html