We got ITMS-90433 - libswiftcore.dylib doent have the correct code signature

We got ITMS-90433 - libswiftcore.dylib doent have the correct code signature

We tried below things:

1. verified signature for libswiftcore.dylib under frameworks folder

2. compared the frameworks & swiftsupport/iphoneos/.dylib , same number

3. codesign is valid too

4. compared with older IPA which was approved no changes

any other things we can check ?

Which version of MacOS, of XCode ?

Is it after upgrading one of them ?

Have a look here for possible solution:



We have same issue - build goes nicely to testflight and works on our testphones but when we promote it to store review we got that same ITMS-90433 reject respond from Apple. We have a Flutter application which is build and signed on our CI (using fastlane) and pushed automatically to testflight so nothing has changed between our latest accepted build (june 3) and yesterday on that part. We verified that our application has been signed with our certificate and also did same magic checks as uobmighty. Our build stack is https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise.io/blob/master/system_reports/osx-xcode-11.4.x.log

I also went throught our commit logs to find out that have we done some code changes which affect directly to iOS side but I did not find nothing that kind. Our application is build (targeted) currently to swift 4.0 and I am wondering is that core reason?


Update: We managed to get our build through on second time - we noticed that we used in CI random temporary password / username in fastlane match () - command for keychain. We changed it to same what we had on june 3 build and that build was passed to store. We are not sure that was that the reason but it went through.

MacOS Catalina: 10.15.1

Xcode 11.1

No recent upgrade. I did another upload on Monday with same config and no issues.

Link is interesitng read but we have correct values and have 1 successful upload done.

Have you carefully compared the 2 builds (the one that succeeds, the one that fails) ?

- in general : the embedded libraries: are they exactly the same versions ?

- signing and capabilities: is it the same team certificate ?

- the build settings (including Swift version)

Yes. checked libswift core versions and same. we had new distribution certificate but another was uploaded successfully with new distribution.


Anyhow, since we could not find any reason for issue, we uploaded new version again. only change is app version and it worked. This even baffled me more. Happy that it worked but I feel so uneasy not knowing the reason.

May be the lib was "improperly" linked in your previous version…

Or linked with a lib that needed re-signing for compatibility with your app signature, which was done when you uploaded again…

I also feel there are mysteries here and it is not compfortable to have a process that works whimsically…

Thanks for feedback anyway, don't forget to close the thread.

We got ITMS-90433 - libswiftcore.dylib doent have the correct code signature