how i can correlate an In-app purchase receipt (transaction) with the report in IOS ?

how i can correlate an In-app purchase receipt (transaction) with the report in IOS ?

I am working with the In-app purchases in my current app development. As per documentation after successful purchase i will get the "receipt" of the purchase on my server. I am aware about the "Financial Reports" provided on iTunes Connect at monthly intervals. Now my question is what should i have to do to validate a particular transaction with the Financial report provided by apple. I see some sample Financial reports Sample but couldn't find any such parameter which give the transaction Id or any other unique field.

is there any way to correlate an In-app purchase receipt (transaction) with the report in IOS ?

None. Individual transactions are never reported.

It might help if you could say what exactly you are trying to achieve. The in-app purchase receipt says that a purchase has been made, so it is made, so the app should behave as if it had been made (and so should your server, if you have a server).

Are you trying to check whether Apple are paying you for the in-app purchases they sell? Or what else are you trying to do?

Basically i am storing data from reciept in my system with some transaction in my i want to reconcile those transaction with any transaction report generated by apple-store-connect like finance report, sales report etc...

currently i found that "Detailed Payment Report" giving all transactions data but i am not able to find any field which match with purchase receipt parameters.

> i want to reconcile those transaction with any transaction report generated by apple-store-connect

If by 'reconcile' you mean that a specific user's transaction is reflected in your apple payment - no.

If by 'reconcile' you mean determine if the apple payment is consistent with the total number of transactions - yes. Count up your individual transactions over a period of time and see if that number is close to what Apple reports. - on a country-by-country basis and on a week-by-week basis. But there may be a time shift in when Apple reports revenue and the user reports payment.

Another question is - what will you do if you discover that you are getting much more or much less than you expect?

Thanks. Basically i want to reconcile between payment receipt which i am receiving after each purchase/renewal in my app in app store vs monthly reports generated in app store connect. If its not match then i will need to find where is the gap.

> reconcile between payment receipt which i am receiving after each purchase/renewal in my app in app store vs monthly reports generated in app store connect.

Again - you can't. You can only reconcile between payment receipts you are receiving for all purchase/renewal in my app in app store vs monthly reports generated in app store connect.

> If its not match then i will need to find where is the gap.

You are supposed to verify the receipt each time an individual user makes a purchase. That reconciles the individual claim to the rights of an IAP with the receipt issued by Apple. Having done that, you can then check to be sure that Apple is paying you for the total number of validated purchases that you have recorded and complain to Apple if you feel you are being short-changed. You CANNOT reconcile Apple's report with any individual purchase.

> Again - you can't. You can only reconcile between payment receipts you are receiving for all purchase/renewal in my app in app store vs monthly reports generated in app store connect.

how can i do this ? "You can only reconcile between payment receipts you are receiving for all purchase/renewal in my app in app store vs monthly reports generated in app store connect."

Accumulate the receipts that come into your server on a day-by-day basis starting with a particular calendar date. Note each receipt and the revenue you expect on that date. When you get the Apple report, compare the numbers on that report with your daily totals. Try to detrmine the approximate time frame that Apple is reporting. Use that time frame in all subsequent Apple reporting periods. After a few reporting periods you should be able to align the delay in Apple's reports with your day-by-day numbers.

I have this issues. I contact with Apple, and this is their answer, I hope that could help.


You will not be able to reconcile a monthly Sales and Trends report, nor your server transactions, to the same monthly Financial Report. Please refer to the fiscal calendar located here:


Payments and financial reports are calculated and are based upon each fiscal month. Please note that payments are made based only upon the completed financial transactions that appear in your financial reports.

Sales and trends reports include all transactions of the day. They are provided so that you can get next-day data on your business and use the standard calendar. Units and proceeds from sales and trends are only estimates and should not be considered final.

Reports from the Payments and Financial Reports module of App Store Connect only include processed transactions and are based on the Apple fiscal period. Several factors impact the financial processing status, such as amount due, country of purchase, number of hours since purchase, content type, credit checks, and fraud rules. The payments in Payments and Financial reports are final.

The daily and weekly reports are based on customer interaction (click-to-purchase) and are coming from real-time systems while the monthly reports are based on financial transactions that have processed through our financial systems. There are intentional differences between these two types of reports.

Period Differences:

Weekly reports are based on the calendar week (Monday to Sunday), whereas the monthly financial report is based on the Apple fiscal calendar (i.e. you may not be comparing the exact same timeframe).

Order Process Period:

Items purchased in the App Store may take a few days to settle (be paid) in our financial system, as such items sold in the last couple of days of a fiscal month (see apple fiscal calendar) may not be completely processed until the subsequent month (e.g. if you buy an app you may not receive an invoice for a few days). The differences in timeframes between the two systems will not allow you to reconcile one to one on a monthly basis.

Product Type Differences:

Another common difference in the reports is that the sales/trend reports shows two types of transactions; downloads of apps (product type "1" which can be free or paid) and updates (product type "7" which are always free). If you are including product type "7" in your reconciliation against monthly financial reports they will not tie as free transactions do not exist in the monthly reports.

Reconciliation between the reports is not recommended due to the report and transaction processing differences. We are confident that over the life of an asset (app) the reports will be accurate (e.g if you put something on the store and sell it for a week and then remove it, your reports will reconcile over two months).

We are only able to report transactions that have processed through our financial systems. For example, a credit card transaction that was initiated in one fiscal earning month, and completed in the following fiscal earning month, will not be reported in the month it was initiated. We are unable to report earnings that have not been completed, hence the difference that you see in the trend reporting vs. the actual financial reporting.

The daily reports are more in line with managerial accounting while the monthly reports are more in line with financial accounting. Managerial accounting reports allow you to forecast your product. Financial accounting reports are based on historical information.

Again, for the reasons above, reconciliation between the reports is not recommended.

Also note that given the aforementioned, the daily / weekly trend reports provided on App Store Connect should not be used as a substitute for financial reports (Daily/Weekly reports should only be used for directional purposes).

We would like to reiterate the point that you will not be able to reconcile specific transactions and reports (sales and trends vs monthly financial). They are based on two different calendars, and two different systems. You will find intentional differences in the two styles of reports, and we highly suggest you use the sales and trends data for up to date performance indication, and the monthly financial reports for all official sales and payments.

Financial reports include only processed transactions and are based on the Apple fiscal period. Several factors impact the financial processing status, including amount due, country or region of purchase, number of hours since purchase, content type, credit checks, and fraud rules. The payments in Payments and Financial reports are final.

how i can correlate an In-app purchase receipt (transaction) with the report in IOS ?