Sandboxing issue

We developed a macOS app using the Zoom SDK and are unable to submit it to the Mac App Store.

According to Apple Sandboxing is required for all applications, but apps in the Zoom SDK for macOS are not. What can we do? BTW, Apparently not even Zoom's own macOS client is in the App Store for the Mac. What can we do?

The error message from Apple says:

The App sandbox not enabled. The following executables must include the “” entitlement with a Boolean value of true in the entitlements property list: “…/Contents/Frameworks/”,

Refer to App Sandbox page at more information on sandboxing your app.

Contact zoom?

You're a real genius, I knew it! Guess what. We already did. 😁

We also submitted a case with Apple since there seem to be exceptions:

I still thought I could get some substantial feedback / hint here...

You either get Zoom to rework their SDK to work inside the sandbox, or you ship the app outside the sandbox. Apple surely won't give you an exception.

We already did.

And what did they say?

We also submitted a case with Apple since there seem to be exceptions:

There aren't any exceptions. Did you check the date on that document? It says 2012. Technically, it is accurate when it says "you can request temporary exception entitlements that we will consider on a case-by-case basis". In other words, you can always ask....

I can assure you, with absolute certainty, that Apple is not going to allow any unsandboxed excutables to be bundled inside your app.

Does the Zoom SDK need those apps to function? IDK

What kind of feedback or hint are you looking for? I don't know anything about the Zoom SDK. If Zoom support doesn't know, or can't give you any substantial feed back or hints, why do you expect us to do better? Did you try deleting those apps from the framework? Does it still work? IDK

My feedback and hint would be to avoid this entirely. Zoom isn't your software. It would be a bad idea to make your app dependent on some other company. What if they discontinue the SDK? What if they decide to start charging you? What if the SDK isn't compatible with the App Store (oh, never mind on that one). Why Zoom anyway? It is also a bad idea to jump on bandwagons like Zoom and COVID-19. It is always a much better idea to develop your own app for your own customers.

Sandboxing issue