We developed a macOS app using the Zoom SDK and are unable to submit it to the Mac App Store.
According to Apple Sandboxing is required for all applications, but apps in the Zoom SDK for macOS are not. What can we do? BTW, Apparently not even Zoom's own macOS client is in the App Store for the Mac. What can we do?
The error message from Apple says:
The App sandbox not enabled. The following executables must include the “com.apple.security.app-sandbox” entitlement with a Boolean value of true in the entitlements property list: “…/Contents/Frameworks/SDK_Transcode.app/Contents/MacOS/SDK_Transcode”,
“…/Contents/Frameworks/aomhost.app/Contents/MacOS/aomhost”Refer to App Sandbox page at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/app_sandboxfor more information on sandboxing your app.