Unable to authenticate with App Store connect

When I am archiving my macOS app and try to push it to the AppStore via the Xcode Organizer, I get the message "unable to authenticate with App Store connect".

I tried revoking all my certificates, checked the user access (admin, account owner), activated all outdated signing certs and profiles. Cleaned DerivedData, cleaned build fiolder, without any luck.

Please advice, it should be an easy task to submit an app, right?

  • restart xcode worked for me too

  •    We are facing issues while uploading app to app store. We given details belowWhen building app - build was not successful with error "Error Fetching App Record".We have received the build completion success email but build(+) icon is missing in app store connect.After I restart Xcode and uploading app to app store,that time also facing same issue

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Xcode sucks, use the transporter app to deliver the builds. Export the app from Xcode then deliver using transporter.

Restarting Xcode worked.

Restarting Xcode worked.

Same here... restart and it works... even in Xcode 13.4... still same problem...

Restarting Xcode worked.

Same issue for me. I've tried restarting xcode many times, signing in and out of my account, and restarting my computer. Nothing has worked even though I had no problem uploading my build a few days ago. I'm completely flummoxed by this. Any advice apart from things I've tried would be really appreciated. Thanks

  • This must be an internal error for apple. I just published a version today and it worked fine. Now no matter what I do I am getting the "Unable to Authenticate" error. I am now gonna try exporting and uploading via Transport.

  • Transporter worked good for me, good luck. Seems like an internal issue with apple right now.

  • Thanks aspect, must be the case, I thought maybe it was becuase I just finished swapping to oranization guess I will try agian later.

I had the same error, but the delivery was successful.

While trying to restart xcode to redo the process, I went to App Store Connect and there was my build

Having the same error with xcrun altool. Even retrying yields the same error. However the file somehow got uploaded anyhow, and showed up in App Store Connect after an hour or so, even though authentication failed. Hopefully it's just an incorrect error message and not a security hole.

    message: 'Unable to authenticate.',
    userInfo: {
      NSLocalizedDescription: 'Unable to authenticate.',
      NSLocalizedFailureReason: 'Unable to authenticate.'
    code: -19209

Xcode > Preferences > Accounts

Login expired , connect again

Restarting XCode fixed the issue for me also. What is going on here..

Restarting XCode, my mac and removing and re-adding my Apple account inside XCode all failed to resolve this. Exporting and uploading via the Transporter app worked for me however, what is wrong with XCode these days...

restart xcode and laptop clean derived data worked for me too

I rebooted my entire machine and still getting the same issues. Uploaded hundreds of builds before and never saw this issue before, most recently just a few days ago.

Even after the Xcode restart and system restart I am still getting the same issue.

Same here on Sonoma | Xcode 15

Reboot does not fix the issue, all explained here

Did you find a solution to this problem ?