The review of your app is taking longer than expected


The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have completed our review, we will notify you via Resolution Center.

If you would like to inquire about the status of this review, you may file a request via the Apple Developer Contact Us page.

Best regards,

App Store Review

I just wanna know the detail reason, and how can I do next ?

Answered by ZTF in 423508022

Any News Guys ??? 😟

After 3 days I get this message from Apple. Very frustrated:

Upon further review of the activity associated with your Apple Developer Program membership, we have determined that your membership, or a membership associated with your account, has been used for dishonest or fraudulent activity. Therefore, your Apple Developer Program account has been flagged for removal.
If you would like to appeal this termination to the App Review Board, you must do so within 14 calendar days. When submitting your appeal, be sure to select “I would like to appeal an app rejection or app removal” from the drop-down menu on the Contact the App Review Team page. You may only submit one appeal per Apple Developer Program account; any duplicate appeals you submit will be closed without review. If you do not appeal within 14 calendar days, your Apple Developer Program membership will be terminated and all apps associated with your account will be removed from the App Store.
We found that your app is in direct violation of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, which states:
"You will not, directly or indirectly, commit any act intended to interfere with the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple’s business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, Custom App Distribution, or the Program (e.g., submitting fraudulent reviews of Your own Application or any third party application, choosing a name for Your Application that is substantially similar to the name of a third party application in order to create consumer confusion, or squatting on application names to prevent legitimate third party use).”
During our review, we found a pattern of manipulative or misleading behavior that violates the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. These behaviors can include, but are not limited to, inaccurate metadata describing your app or service, misleading app content, engaging in inauthentic ratings and reviews manipulation, providing misleading customer support responses, providing misleading responses in Resolution Center, engaging in misleading purchasing or bait-and-switch schemes, and other dishonest or fraudulent activity within or outside of the app.
We do not disclose the specific findings of our investigations into Apple Developer Program membership accounts, and we have no additional information to share with you at this time. You can appeal this decision with the App Review Board at any time over the next 14 calendar days. When submitting your appeal, be sure to select “I would like to appeal an app rejection or app removal” from the drop-down menu on the Contact the App Review Team page.
Best regards,
App Store Review

What should I do in this situation?

It's difficult to say what you should do without really know what your app is or contains. It's frustrating when they do not tell you specifically what is wrong with your app. I've had issues in the past with similar messages and it was relating the the name of my app. I had to rename it so it would not confuse users or mislead them to thinking my app was something else.

u r lucky. and it's a good news for everyone

So what about your account? It was terminated?
have the same answer

waiting for more then week
Finally, we got the good news today :) Looks like a few of us got this yesterday/today as well. Given the timing, it might have something to do with WWDC.


We are writing to let you know that we have completed our investigation of your Apple Developer Program account. You may now submit apps for review, and we will continue with the review of this app. If we find any issues during our review, we will communicate them via Resolution Center. Otherwise, your app will be approved.

Please note that all apps submitted to the App Store are reviewed against the App Store Review Guidelines, including the Developer Code of Conduct.

You can avoid future investigations by ensuring your apps don't attempt to mislead or harm customers or undermine the review process. Be sure to review the App Store Review Guidelines and read the Developer Code of Conduct so you understand our requirements prior to submitting any apps for review.

Best regards,

App Store Review

same issue
This letter serves as notice of termination of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (the “ADP Agreement”) and the Apple Developer Agreement (the “Developer Agreement”) between you and Apple effective immediately.

Pursuant to Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement, you agreed that you would not “commit any act intended to interfere with the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple’s business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, B2B Program, or the Program.” Apple has good reason to believe that you violated this Section due to documented indications of fraudulent conduct associated with your account.

Apple is exercising its right to terminate your status as an Apple developer pursuant to the Apple Developer Agreement and is terminating you under the ADP Agreement for dishonest and fraudulent acts relating to that agreement. We would like to remind you of your obligations with regard to all software and other confidential information that you obtained from Apple as an Apple developer and under the ADP Agreement. You must promptly cease all use of and destroy such materials and comply with all the other termination obligations set forth in Section 11.3 of the ADP Agreement and Section 10 of the Apple Developer Agreement.

This letter is not intended to be a complete statement of the facts regarding this matter, and nothing in this letter should be construed as a waiver of any rights or remedies Apple may have, all of which are hereby reserved. Finally, please note that we will deny your reapplication to the Apple Developer Program for at least a year considering the nature of your acts.
I got the same message today. Are we all getting our accounts terminated?
Same here.

After Metadata Rejection and "Your app’s review will require additional time" message app just stuck "In Review".

Have 2 of my apps stuck this way for more than a month now
This is very unusual, maybe related to covid-19
I received this message 22 days ago...anyone has experienced it recently?
i got this message to both of my apps maybe few days ago
F*ck apple. They terminated my account after such message. No explanation why

I am getting for the last 2/3 game prototypes I have submitted. @apple any update guys these question is viewed 20k & hundreds of comments.

Plase any valid explanation on this weird explanation????

I am facing this with every uploaded in all accounts. I don't know the reason or why they are doing this. But I assume that they want to take more time to review the app. That's why with their initial review, they just hang up the app with rejected status.

Whatever the real reason, we are rally board on this and don't know the solution yet.

The review of your app is taking longer than expected