We came across an interesting gotcha while submitting a game for review on the Mac App Store. Basically, our sandboxed app was missing two entitlements: com.apple.security.device.bluetooth and com.apple.security.device.usb. Ultimately, this meant that testers on ASC couldn't use controllers to play the game.
On our end, the build we delivered to ASC via Transporter couldn't be played (afaik): being signed and sandboxed, the game would crash out on launch. However, the debug builds we made – which weren't sandboxed – were completely playable, and controllers were working.
This put us in a tricky spot: our debug builds ran fine, but we couldn't test the sandboxed app which was where the game was breaking, or verify our fix of the problem.
Is there a documented way to test signed & sandboxed apps like this on macOS? I haven't been able to find the information searching these forums or elsewhere.