10.15.5B4 failing to install


Can't get 10.15.5b4 to install after a partial download. How do I clean up and restart the DL?



Same issue here (same with the previous betas). Reported it to Apple, but havent got any feedback on it (FB7667446).

Tried forcing the update, but that didn't help either.

softwareupdate -i "macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Developer Beta-4" --force
Software Update Tool

Downloaded macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Developer Beta
Preparing macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Developer Beta
Error downloading macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Developer Beta: Det oppsto en feil under installering av oppdateringen.

Error downloading updates.

Has anyone found a solution for this? I still experience the same issue, even with the public release.

Download the full install from the App Store and reinstall it.

Grandpa solution: I rebooted. That cleared it up.

I tried that and also reset of SMC, but without any luck.

For anyone who might experience the same issue. I had to revive the T2 chip firmware before the update could proceed.

You need another Mac to do this. Follow this guide:


If you hit any installation issues please make sure to file a bug with Feedback Assistant.