UIWebView Deprecated Warning


As per the email received from App Store connect that Apple will no longer accept submissions of new apps that use UIWebView as of April 30, 2020. Have replaced UIWebView with WKWebView also replaced third party frameworks which uses UIWebView. But post archiving the build, I can still find UIWebView matches in MY_APP.xarchive file in below mwntioned path.

1. Binary file ./dSYMs/TARGET_NAME.appex.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/TARGET_NAME matches

2. Binary file ./dSYMs/APP_NAME.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/APP_NAME matches

Will this still stop me to submit my app to the AppStore or is that ok to have UIWebView matches in above files?


I saw reply from KMT yesterday on this and then I replied back as well to KIM, why that conversation is deleted??

As we have our customers Apple developer account and they receive an email every time from App Store Connect for this UIWebView deprecation warning which has been already escalated. This time I would like to make sure we are not going to receive the same warning and which is why I just need confirmation from your side.

Have also tried creating a separate fresh(without using 3rd party tools/SDK’s/API’s/Pods) sample app which is using WKWebView inside and named it TestWKWebView then archived it, I can still find UIWebView matches in TestWKWebView 07-05-20, 7.18PM.xarchive file post running grep -r UIWebView . command as mentioned below:

Binary file ./dSYMs/TestWKWebView.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/TestWKWebView matches

And if I go to above path and open TestWKWebView file in TextEdit and search for UIWebView, I could only find strings containing UIWEView like UIWebViewNavigationType, UIWebViewNavigationTypeBackForward etc. But not exactly matching with UIWebView.

I just want to understand will this still create problem while submitting the app to the AppStore? Or this should be OK to go with?

Please let me know asap as I am completely blocked and can not submit my app to the AppStore until I get confirmation from your side.

@Vikram Batra,

I have got similar "UIWebView" matches. Is it stopping submission ?
Even I am down to one file in .dSYM that shows reference as mentioned by Vikram. Is there any solution for how to fix this ?
UIWebView Deprecated Warning