I prepared a serie of screenshoots (4 per localizations on the required sizes), taken directly from the simulators.
After some upload App Store Connect refuse to upload new images.
Of course the images resolution are all the same, as all are taken from the same simulator.
I tryied also to upload a screenshoto taken from my iPhone and then changed insize to adapt it to the requirements.
There are requirements over the image size?
Yes there are requirements.
And it is very simple to comply:
- look at the type of screensize that is required:
- such as iPhone 6.5"
- select an iPhone with the corresponding screen size : 11 ProMax for 6.5
- get screen copy with cmd-S on simulator.
I usually provide the 4 required sizes only:
- iPhone 8 Plus (5.5")
- iPhone 11 Pro Max (6.5")
- iPad Pro (12.9) (2G)
- iPad Pro (12.9) (3G)
It is a bit tedious when you have 4 languages to support, 5 screen shot per language and per model = 80 screen shots
This requires to be very methodic.
So, I name the files to be sure I find the right one at once:
- create a forlder per language
- name such as
2. Some Display - iPhone 11 Pro Max - 2020-03-01 at 15.15.03.png