Can't deploy to iPhone (not available, please reconnect the device)

Xcode: 11.4.1

Device: iPhone 6s Plus
iOS: 13.5

Error: "<DeviceName> is not available. Please reconnect the device."

I'm trying to deploy a simple HelloWorld app to my iPhone 6s Plus running iOS 13.5 from Xcode 11.4.1 but I keep getting the popup saying "<DeviceName> is not available. Please reconnect the device." Xcode recognizes that the device is connected and the phone shows that its charging so I don't think it's a cable issue. Furthermore, I was able to deploy to this device two days ago when it was still running iOS 13.2. The issue started happening after I updated to 13.5. I'm not sure if the update is causing the issue but it seems that way. What can I do to get past this deployment issue?

Same issue on iOS 14.0-Release, XCode 12.0-Release, upgrading to iOS 14.0.1-Release and XCode 12.0.1-Release fixed it.
I'm having this issue today. iPhone 7 32 GB, iOS 14.0.1, Xcode 12.0.1, macOS Catalina 10.15.7. Simulators work fine, but when I try to run on my device, Xcode invariably tells me it cannot connect to my device, and to reconnect it.

Devices and Simulators tells me to be "certain that Xcode supports development on this device." I am certain, because it worked fine under iOS 14. It wasn't until I updated to iOS 14.0.1 that things started to break.
I seem to have found a solution, but it isn't ideal. Unfortunately, Running Settings > General > Reset All Settings did the trick. I had to go back through all of my settings again, but at least Xcode is happy with my device again.

Maybe this was worth it for the sake of an annual rehash of my phone's settings 😅
I had the exact same problem a few days ago, running on iOS 14.0.1 and Xcode 12.0. Problem was resolved by updating to the current Xcode version 12.0.1, unfortunately only for 2 days until now. Got the same problem again, even after restarting my Mac.

On of the following finally helped: (not sure which, for me it worked in this order)
  • Restarting Iphone

  • Deleting previous install of the app

  • Connect Iphone to Mac after Xcode and your project is loaded

  • Just disconnect after first fail and retry

Ran into this (failed to prepare device for development) today with 14.0.1 and Xcode 12, 12.2, etc. This worked for me (other troubleshooting steps didn't).

1) Disconnect phone from Mac.
(I have the Devices window in Xcode open)
2) Restart the phone
3) After restart, connect to the Mac
4) I saw Xcode's Device window switch to "Preparing device for development"

Now all is good.

Was running into the same issue with XCode 11.7 & iOS 14.0, restarting phone/mac did not help.

I added Device Support files for iOS 14 under

Device support files for different iOS versions are available on github under filsv/iPhoneOSDeviceSupport

Hope this is useful.
I found an easy solution that worked for me - just restart the iPhone device :)

Hope it will do the trick for you as well!
Same issue.
iOs 14.1 iPhone SE 1.gen
Xcode 12.01
macOS 10.15.7

The issue started today after installing iOS 14.1.
Not only this issue is a disaster....

Seem to have found an annoying fix.

With Xcode 12.01 (the latest stable release), I couldn't launch to a 6th gen iPad running iOS 14.1.
Nor could I install a simulator with iOS 14.1.

I downloaded the 12.1 GM seed.
Still couldn't launch run code on the iPad running 14.1.

BUT, from the devices and simulators window I was able to add a simulator with iOS 14.1.

after which: I could launch!

I quit the GM seed, relaunched the stable release of Xcode, and it runs fine.

Annoying. But worky.
Updated Xcode to 12.0 from the App Store and my iPone 8 to IOS 14.1 it resolved the problem
Xcode: 11.5
iPhone7: 14.1

I upgraded Xcode to 12.1 and the issue is still happening - Xcode sees the iPhone 7, tries to deploy to it, but am still getting the error "Can't connect to device"

I then ran the simulator for iPhone 8 Plus (1.41) that came with new Xcode 12.1 - it ran fine. Then deployed to the my real iPhone 7 again and this time it worked. Go figure! Apple Xcode is crap...most of Apple is.
I had the same issues and tried all the options on this thread except one.

Restart your laptop/mac

Xcode 12.1 and iOS 14.1 only worked after I restarted both my device and my laptop.
i tried this Xcode clean build, xcode unpair ,Xcode quit, and restart mac still error appears .... why?
Same here.!
It has happened since xcode 11.1
Is that what we suppose to pay for a developer licence for giving us an issue like this? (No Apple's project manager here to take the responsible to take up the case?)
Apple should really fix this... I think it has to do with the device files in this new version of Xcode... I'm so sick of having to delete the app and re-download all its data manually, and then having to reserve 5 times as much storage on my MacBook Pro as the 15GB size of Xcode.

Look at all these recent comments of people who are just trying to develop something...

PS - I'm developing on an XR right now...
I tried restarting both iphone and mac but it didn't work. It worked fine on simulator just not my phone.

xcode 12.1
ios 14.2

Update: Apparently xcode 12.1 doesn't support 14.2...

Error message from "Devices and Simulators":

The current device configuration is unsupported. This iPhone 11 Pro is running iOS 14.2 (18B92), which is not supported by Xcode 12.1.


How is it possible to release a new iOS version without synchronising with the only development framework FOR iOS?
This is outrageous! Half a labour day lost trying to find out, why I can't debug and test on iPhones X and 11 because of this.
Just before updating to iOS 14.2 Xcode 12.1 (12A7403), both smartphones (iOS 14.1) won't connect to Xcode, because the version where outdated. After almost an hour updating the devices, they weren't compatible with the current Xcode version?
It was humiliating to explain it to my superior, why half a day we couldn't work because of error 601...
Now try to research the net for error 601! Lucky we still have an iPhone 7 with iOS 14.1 where we could do some work.
Now imagine 3 people in development sharing one old device because Apple had to pull a smart move again.
Not nice, Cupertino! Not nice! :(
Apple must release next xCode to support iOS 14.2. I am having issue to test any of the application. sad
Apple released Xcode 12.2 RC yesterday, 5 Nov 2020 (same day they released iOS 14.2). I just downloaded the RC here (under the Applications section):

Per the release notes:

Xcode 12.2 RC includes SDKs for iOS 14.2, iPadOS 14.2, tvOS 14.2, watchOS 7.1, and macOS Big Sur 11. The Xcode 12.2 release candidate supports on-device debugging for iOS 9 and later, tvOS 9 and later, and watchOS 2 and later. Xcode 12.2 RC requires a Mac with Apple silicon running macOS Big Sur 11 or later, or an Intel-based Mac running macOS Catalina 10.15.4 or later.

From Xcode 12.2 RC, I am now able to run and debug iOS apps on my iPhone XS (which is running iOS 14.2).

It's maddening how Apple will release iOS updates without releasing the corresponding Xcode updates. This is not the first time. The least they could do is prominently warn us so we don't accidentally update iOS to a version that isn't supported by the released Xcode version.
Thank you very much!!! Could you explain how to install the RC file? I've downloaded it but how do I open and run it as a zip? I'm on a MacBook Air 2020 @elliott-io or anyone who knows PLEASE HELP this IS maddening!! DX<
I've already waisted 3 days trying to resolve this issue. I was supposed to submit a release now I can't because it won't compile to iOS 14.2 devices.

Restarting the phone worked for me. Xcode 12.2 beta 3 + iOS 14.2.
Nothing is working for me. Xcode 12.0.1, iPhone 14.2, OS Catalina 10.15.7. I saw earlier where someone suggested changing the deployment target. I did that with no effect. I am now effectively out of the programming game. Actually for me, when I can program, it's just for fun. Any other suggestions. Is there a way to back up to an earlier Xcode version? Also, I am on a MacBook Pro, but with not enough available disk to update Xcode.
OK here is the solution I will simplify for all noobs and dummies out there(like myself) :P...
  1. ) open Xcode pair your device

  2. ) Click "Window" Tab at top and "Devices & Simulators"

  3. ) Check to see if the error you're having is indeed you being upgraded to 14.2 and not on 14.1 anymore.

  4. ) If you do have an error saying "upgrade to Xcode version that supports 14.2" then follow the steps in this video below

"How To Downgrade iOS 14.2 Beta On iPhone 6S - To iOS 14.0 Without Losing Files - 100% working" By: "Kon khmer Hardfware" Duration: 10:40 ( (Sorry it would not let me provide a link to YouTube... :P)
  1. ) Restart ALL devices

  2. )Reconnect & Retry! :)

Explanation: iOS 14.2 is the new system update, it's BIG and is a release to prep for their silicon MacBooks and BigSur Xcode DOES have a Release Candidate, in layman's terms a Release that is being suggested for release and has not been FULLY released to the store yet, it'll work, there will be bugs and it's a PAIN to install it(not to mention time consuming...). So I digress if this is your issue then I highly suggest downgrading your device to iOS14.1 and wait a few more weeks or a month for them to have everything finalized with newer and better updates.

Developing for iOS is ALWAYS a pain!

Also to update Xcode you need slightly above 42-43GB to download but after you download it you SHOULD still have room to download back your files you had to move/delete, also if you haven't installed Xcode in a long time you may forget like I did that it takes FOREVER to install and is not actually getting stuck like so many people tend to think due to its slow @** process.
Can't deploy to iPhone (not available, please reconnect the device)