How to get new localizations of old IAP reviewed?

Hi, Apple has recently completed my account's investigation and approved my app. Hooray!

Now I have an issue. In my last approved update, I added new localizations to both the app info and the associated IAP. While the app info is showing correctly in respective stores, the IAP promotion text remains in the old language. I checked the IAP settings and saw the new localizations are indeed with yellow dot status (the originally approved one in green). I can still make changes to the new ones and "save" the IAP, but the overall status of the IAP stays approved and it seems that it won't get the changes reviewed.

So the question is: is it possible to get the new IAP localizations reviewed within the old IAP or I have to create a new one? Or I just need to wait a little longer because the changes to app localization and IAP localization are not reviewed at the same time?

Thank you! 🙂


As you had problems to get it approved, I would advise:

- if you can afford it, wait a few more days or a few weeks to see if it solves by itself (how long have you been waiting ?)

- if nothing changes, submit a new release. That will avoid obsoleting the agreed one before the new is published.

- and explain precisely what you did, so the reviewer keeps confidence in your app…

Thanks for the reply! It’s actually only been over a day. I’ll wait this one out and update here if it resolves itself.

How to get new localizations of old IAP reviewed?