Is it possible to change auto-renewing subscriptions to non-renewable subscriptions and keep old user?

I've had in-app purchase feature with auto-renewing in Apple Store.

And there are some users who purchased with auto-renewing subscriptions

Is it possible to change auto-renewing to non-renewable subscriptions ?Somehow keep user who purchased and update it to non-renewable subscriptions?

Answered by PBK in 416275022

You can chose to display the non-renewing subscription option only on devices that have an expired subscription or no subscription.

Leave the autorenewable subscription as it is. Just stop offreing it as an option to new purchasers of subscriptions. Then any user who has already purchased an autorenewable subscription will continue to have the autorenewable subscription. Only new users, when asked to subscribe, will see the non-renewing subscription rather than the autorenewable subscription.

Thank you for your reply

Is it possible to update the old users to non-renewable subscriptions by version up the application or something else?

Within the app you can determine the current expires_date for the autorenewable subscription and set that as the expires_date for a nonrenewing subscription. The problem is ending the 'auto renew' part of the autorenewable subscription for current subscribers. If you uncheck 'cleared for sale' I do not know if current users continue to auto-renew. You can change the price - that will then require current users to agree to a new price. It may be possible to change the price and uncheck 'cleared for sale' - but again, I do not know if current users can agree to a price change of an autorenewable subscription that is no longer marked cleared for sale. You could change the price to $399 and assume no one will agree to that.

So the unkown is - will an autorenewable subscription autorenew if the subscription is no longer checked 'cleared for sale'?

Thank you PBK !!

It is a good idea to set the the current expires_date for the autorenewable subscription to nonrenewing subscription and check the 'cleared for sale' for the autorenewable subscription.

(Of course there will be some problem for the people who have not version up)

However, there will a problem that the user who have the autorenewable subscription can also purchase the nonrenewing subscription again after the application version up .Is it right?

Accepted Answer

You can chose to display the non-renewing subscription option only on devices that have an expired subscription or no subscription.

Thank you PBK!

Is it possible to change auto-renewing subscriptions to non-renewable subscriptions and keep old user?