Cloudkit schema - changes not loading for deploy

I've got a cloudkit schema working on a development environment.

When I go to deploy to production, as I've done in the past, this time it gets hung on the 'Loading Changes' spinner on the 'Confirm Deployment' screeen.

It loads fine for all other apps. I've even gone in and made an additional change to the dev scheme on the off change that the existing pending changes weren't registering as differential - but no luck. I can't get it to go off the 'Loading Changes' spinner.





I have exactly the same issue. I got it to load once, but I did not apply the changes. After that it keeps spinning at 'Loading Changes'

Same issue here; I have raised a support ticket, but no reply yet.

Did you get this sorted? Did it automagically start working?

same issue
Cloudkit schema - changes not loading for deploy