Updating to XCode 11.4 makes connected IBOutlet thats connected and auto renamed to the var name is no longer auto renamed

As titled, when I open my project with XCode 11.4 like most of my IBOutlets that was already connected before and autorenamed when creating the variable name are like shown as it's own generic class name instead. I'm sure the previous version of XCode did autorename the uiview to the variable name unless it's overriden by we manually giving them names via interface builder, if not the the views would use a converted convention name from the IBOutlet variables connected.
Is there any way to solve the issue and make the were previously renamed uiviews shown the name again? The project is heavily built with .xib and losing the previously autorenamed name is actually quite painful to explore again.


I would be fine with agung closing the thread, but I will just open up a new one because the issue definitely isn't fixed for me with Xcode 11.5. (And yes, I have done all of the usual house-keeping steps like clean builds, letting indexing complete, quit and restart Xcode, etc - none of that solves this issue for me).

I replied to agung above, but that reply has a link to a screenshot of the issue and is currently being moderated to prove how crazy bad this issue is - especially when you have relatively complex layouts (and not being able to submit screenshots is frustrating itself). I submitted a feedback assistant ticket several months ago when this issue first showed and that ticket is still sitting in the "open" state.

Not only this issue, but now the simulator is completely broken for tvOS - as you can no longer use the keyboard for focus navigation in the simulator.

For now, I have to stick with Xcode 11.3.1 - that is the last version where everything worked for me and my team. This *****.

The only thing I can think that may be causing this issue is that my .xib files are in a different folder than the corresponding .swift files - but I can't imagine something so simple would cause such a serious issue as this. Also, my project is quite large and complex - with something over 30 .xib files - but again - that is not something that should cause issues with a enterprise level development tool.

My bad (was too excited when i posted that 'fixed' post) , as in I inspect my other projects and other xib files this is still an ongoing issues.

The 11.5 update only resolve some of the issues on simple .xib

eg: this resolves my tablecell .xib



Sorry for the all caps - but this is ridiculous.

How the hell am I suppose to migrate my app to recent versions of XCode / iOS / tvOS when my project is fundamentally broken in any version of XCode > 11.3.1?

Anyone have any experience with "Code-Level Support"? Is that an appropriate way to push bugs up to the Xcode dev team? I am getting desperate.

Same problem in Xcode 12.1.