AppStore Connect can't set price for subscription (Albania is empty)

I am trying to set a price for the new renewable subscription.

Wizard gets me to per country pricing, where Albania has suspiciously empty dropdown.

Clicking "Create" button has zero effect.

I have previously created other subscriptions without any issues.

Is it a known issue?

Answered by Jane_Apple in 414657022

Thank you Apple for fixed it! 💪

Now everything is perfect!

I'm having the same issue, can't set a price, Albania is empty and Create just doesn't do anything.

Same here. 'Create' does nothing, Albania is empty. We're dead in the water and can't move forward with submitting our app! Frustrating!!!

I can just verify confirm that I've got the exact same issue.

You can see the following in the console when you press 'Create':

"TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '$scope.tempPageContent.subPricingModel.selectedPricePerCountry[terr.code].countryCode')"


I've never really used these forums, does Apple Developer Suppoer typically respond to issues like this on here?

Same thing here.. Broken. You can see the angular error return a 200 (failed) when submitted ("Create" clicked) and shows empty value for Albania as problem.

In addition...Albania shouldn't appear at ALL - as I removed it from the countries available list for the distro of this app. Why would countries that the app isn't available in need a price defined?


The same Problem.

Apple, please help us!

Same problem here.... Apple please fix ASAP!

Apple please fix this as soon as possible. Very urgent.

I have submitted an issue in Feedback Assitant.

Please consider submitting issues as well, so Apple would have higher chance to notice us and would give it higher priority due to it affecting multiple developers.

Will do. Thanks

Also done.

+1 same problem! please fix asap!

I have the same problem. Can't submit my build like this and can't fix on my side.

Same problem, waiting for Apple.

AppStore Connect can't set price for subscription (Albania is empty)