Where is the Add to Apple Wallet One-Line button?

This documentation mentions a One-Line button:

When I download the Badges and Guidlines from here: https://developer.apple.com/wallet/
there is only a Two-line button.
Where is the One-line button?

Is it deprecated?

Hey! I would also like to know if anything changed? I can't find any way to make PKAddPassButton a one-line button. Any information would be nice.


I was looking for the same answer. I just watched this video: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10041/

Around 26:50 it's about the identity Apple Wallet buttons and I tried it out for the PKAddPassButton, it's the same principle (checked in iOS 15.5):

The button itself decides, if the title label has one or two lines, depending on the space it has.

Where is the Add to Apple Wallet One-Line button?