I'm trying to build and activate a simple USBDriverKit system extension. I have not yet requested the entitlements I need from Apple, and so I'm trying to do so on a local system that has SIP disabled.
I'm pulling my hair out trying to get this thing to build and activate!
According to the documentation and threads I've read here, when SIP is disabled then macOS won't verify the app's signature is valid and so it'll let me use the entitlements I need in my system extension (`com.apple.developer.driverkit` and `com.apple.developer.driverkit.transport.usb`). But I can't actually build the app with those entitlements because Xcode will complain that I need a provisioning profile that includes them, and I'm not allowed to create one. There doesn't seem to be any option for codesigning the app with the entitlements I need without a provisioning profile, and thus I'm stuck.
What am I supposed to do in this situation?