@FetchRequest not refreshing

I am writing a SwiftUI App using CoreData + CloudKit, based partly on sample code from `CoreDataCloudKitDemo`.

There is a MasterListView which presents a List of NavigationLinks of the available data, eg. Recents, Tags, etc. embedded in a Double Column Style NavigationView.

There are 6 @FetchRequest vars that collect the content for the different Sections in the List.

They look similar to this:

@FetchRequest(fetchRequest: ThingViewModel.fetchRequest(matching: .recent)) var recentThings:FetchedResults<Thing>

Where the .fetchRequest(matching: .recent) is producing a FetchRequest with Predicate and SortDescriptors.

The problems start when I use this in MultiTasking mode on an iPad. The user adds new data to the App using a Share Extension.

If I have the App side by side with another App that can share to it, the share is successful, I can see the data go into CoreData and the MasterListView re-draws by the logs but the actual data is not reliably refreshed.

I have logging in the MasterListView to tell me when it re-draws and when it receives a Notification from the core data stack that there has been an update.

The core data stack is running a NSPersistentHistoryChangeRequest, filtering out the added Thing successfully, so I know it is there.

I have tried everything I can think of, including things like:


viewContext.stalenessInterval = 0


viewContext.stalenessInterval = -1

And everything else I have found on SO ;-)

What am I missing?

I have got it working now but for what feel like all of the wrong reasons.

I moved the notification handler up a level, so that the view that contains all of the @FetchRequest is force refreshed by being re-constructed.

The solution feels dirty, I still beleive that the @FetchRequest should be able to trigger a data reload itself when the data changes.

The top level ContentView is now having to be very heavy handed IMHO. by:

struct ContentView: View {
    private var didUpdate = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .coreDataRemoteChange)
    @State private var renderID = UUID()
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
                    trailing: EditButton()
            Text("No Content").noContentStyle()
            Print("ContentView \(renderID)")
        .onReceive(self.didUpdate) { _ in
            print("ContentView received .coreDataRemoteChange")
            self.renderID = UUID()

... attaching a UUID to the NavigationView.

Because the notification is reliable and the data was actually being updated, techniques like

NSManagedObjectContext.mergeChanges(fromRemoteContextSave: [NSInsertedObjectsKey: addedThings], into: [taskContext])

are not actually required.

I would be surprised if this was the way we are intended to use @FetchRequest

Have you tried this?

Code Block
viewContext.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true

@FetchRequest not refreshing