Debugging DriverKit

Hi All,

Does anyone know if it is possible to set breakpoints and step through dexts?

From WWDC it seems this should be possible, but I cannot find any further information on it.

Debugging using log messages only is quite tiresome.





are you able to start the dext ? In my case i am able to activate the extension, but the matching is not happening.

if your dext is getting matched , then can u give an example of your plist file.



Hi, can you share your steps about how to activate the extension? Have you got DriverKit Entitlement?

As an update to this, Apple have added some documentation.

This is now working for me.

Yes no problem starting the dext.

I am working with PCIDriverKit, matching is working fine for me. In that case I need IOPCIPrimaryMatch in my plist, with matching entitlement under

Could you share example of Info.plist and Driver Entitlement which is working for you to match your hardware.

Thanks in advance.
I am able to activate the PCI DEXT and matching is also happening. When I connect/Disconnect then Driver is loading and unloading.

But PCIDevice->Open method is failing with error: kIOReturnNotOpen (0x2cd)

This I have tried to call before and after RegisterService method call. In both case this Open method call is failing.
Even I tried Open method calling from Externalmethod i.e.


In all case, Open is failing.

Anyone faced this error??
If someone is able to Open session to PIC Device then it please let me know what steps to follow.