CloudKit deployment error

Anybody had this very specific icloud deployment error? It seems to be only in this container, others still working

There was a problem loading the environment's status.

invalid field name: ''

After many tries I found out that the problem is a "free text subscription". The subscription like "self CONTAINS %@" works in development perfectly, it seems the CloudKit Dashboard can't handle this subscription type and just crashes. I hope Apple will fix this soon, in older versions of the portal this was no problem.
This just started happening for me. Anybody find a solution yet?
The same problem!
I have an update approved that I am withholding while I wait to deploy an updated schema to production, but I'm also experiencing this error. Any suggestions? Should I only wait?
The problem has been resolved! Probably, Apple has fixed that!

This problem started to me about 2 days ago, and I'm still seeing it right now. At the moment there's no way for me to make a production deployment.

CloudKit deployment error