I have been trying to upload my iOS / macOS Catalyst app, the _SecCertificateCreateWithData, _SecTrustEvaluateWithError, _SecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesand are being incorrectly flagged by iTunes Connect / App Store Connect as private API usage. I used Xcode 11.3.1 GM (I also tried with 11.3 with same results) and it passes all validation and submission.
I am using this API in an embedded Framework.
The mentioned methods are from the Security.framework and they are documented API.
- https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/2980705-sectrustevaluatewitherror?language=objc
Also the same code have been uploaded and accepted the last week.
And the same code was aceepted for iOS the last friday.
I also checked in the code and we don't have any method named like that in our code (that passed last week with Mac OS and last Friday with iOS App Store). And we are not using any 3rd party API nor framework nor SDKs.
I contacted the rejection team and they told me to contact the technical support because it is a "private API usage" issue in my code!
Do you have/had similar issue with "iTunes Connect / App Store Connect" incorrectly flagged as private API were it is not? How did you resolve it? How it could pass iOS and MAC OS (Mac Catalyst) (last week) and fails today (while iOS still passes) ?
Thanks for your help
As of today the issue has been fixed/Desappeared.
I did create many Apple developpement/App review/App rejection/Feedback/Apple developement support tickets.
Last friday, a "senior advisor within the Apple Developer Program Support" from the App review team finally agreed to : "We forwarded this to our engineering team in ticket number <xxxxxxxxx> to investigate further."
I just received: "After further research, the internal teams believe this issue is resolved. "