In WWDC standalone watch app talk, Apple mentioned that iPhone app is now optional.
How do you submit a standalone watch app without the iPhone app?
Have been asking in WatchKit forum and no answer for months. Thanks!
In WWDC standalone watch app talk, Apple mentioned that iPhone app is now optional.
How do you submit a standalone watch app without the iPhone app?
Have been asking in WatchKit forum and no answer for months. Thanks!
Code Block - com.myCompany.myApp - com.myCompany.myApp.watchkitapp - com.myCompany.myApp.watchkitapp.watchkitextension
@LiveQuartz Did you ever manage to answer this one?
I'm assuming we use the ".watchkitapp" version when it is a stand alone watch app - and could possibly then switch to the "com.myCompany.myApp" version in future if we wanted to add a parent iOS app?
Any updates here? I can't seem to make "App Store Connect" as distribution mechanism available, so I can't upload the standalone app.