ID Card for a University

I'm in the process of exploring using Passkit to host and distribute our University Digital ID card. I understand that Apple has worked with a few Universities in this Vertical and that there is a means to apply for this program. The only issue is that we don't have a one card solution, and our cards aren't distributed through Blackboard. We would like to handle this ourselves though with NFC readers deployed at strategic locations throughout campus (i.e. the Library, shared printers (Where students are required to swipe their ID's to release print jobs) as well as Dining locations, where they use their ID cards for a declining balance.

Is there a way to work with Apple to get an NFC certificate for this using the system I described (barring having to work with Blackboard)?

  • I'm trying to find documentation on this as well, did you happen to find anything?

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Hello, I am working on a similar solution. Did you find any information about it? Thanks in advance.

Have you already tried including it with your request to ?

Any updates on this? I happen to work on a similar project to build a student ID pass without going through a third party. Would appreciate any pointers/guidance. Thanks!