Is there System extension alternative for KPI IOBlockStorageDevice

In my project, we have kernal extension device driver which uses KPI IOBlockStorageDevice to create internel virtual storage device driver.

However, in WWDC19 Apple has mensioned deprecation of some KPIs.

I would like to know following information.

1. Is KPI IOBlockStorageDevice deprecated on macOSX 10.15.

2. Also, in case KPI IOBlockStorageDevice is deprecated, what is the alternative to provide same

functionality using the newer SystemExtension for supporting KPI IOBlockStorageDevice.

Here is the deprecated list

IOBlockStorageDevice isn't on it.

Thank you for quick response!

We have 2 kernel extensions. One is nke and another is virtual disk driver.

nke is using some deprecated KPIs(e.g- sock_accept,sflt_register etc). However, virtual disk driver is not using any deprecated KPIs.

I loaded both kext in macOSX10.15.4 beta and I did not receive any notification for both kexts.

As per below link, I should have got notification if kext uses any deprecated KPI on macOSX10.14.4 beta.


Does it mean both kexts will load on macOSX10.16 without compromises? Please confirm it.

Is there System extension alternative for KPI IOBlockStorageDevice