Internal testers cannot see app in Testflight app


I have run through as many different things as possible:

1. Changed build version

2. Reset provisioning profile

3. Deleted and readded appstore connect users

I have even changed SKU, bundle identifier, and created a new app. Nothing is working. Testers cannnot see the app in testflight.

It has been working perfectly until this weekend and suddenly: not working.

Any help appreciated!



Same issue here in Singapore, happened to me at least since Monday, 10 Feb.

Same issue here in Japan...

Update: a new build I just submitted went through & is available in TestFlight. The only things that have changed since my previous attempts are:

  1. I went through the steps to automate the "Export Compliance", bumped my version & re-built+re-submitted
  2. I filed a ticket with Apple

I'm guessing either the export compliance automation fixed it (perhaps the manual export compliance tooling is broken right now?) or else someone at Apple fixed something.

I have the same issue.

am also having the same issue facing since yesterday ( location from india).

Same issue. Openned ticket with Apple. Waiting for response.

The "automate Export Compliance" works, now I can see my latest build on TestFlight in iOS.

Same issue, still not working here from HK!

i also have same issue

i also have same issue. since yesterday...

I have the same issue that doesn't get a new version to keep 10 minutes and more.

Same issue here, EU/Poland. After 5h of tries, I gave up.

Pay 99 USD for not working platform yay.

this works!!

+1 Same Issue