Developer account payment failed


I've been trying to create a developer account for 3 months now.

3 apple ids, 4 cards and 2 banks later, it still doesn't succeed.

Support is useless and so is my bank.

Does anyone here have a solution? Are you experiencing the same problem?

I'm from India.

Several people experience the same issue.

You should file a bug report.

Same issue mayur here in Belgium... Have you solved it?

Hi Mayur,

Even I'm from India and facing the same frustrating problem. Did anything work for you?

Same problem here, Apple support is useless! It's not the bank, it's Apple. I have sent them proof that my card is open for shopping on the internet and even sent them proof of apps that I bought with the same card. I have sent them all the links of people complaining about this same problem and now they just ignore my emails! Absolutely useless bunch!

mayur u got any solution .me also try diffrentr way and daily calling apple teams .they answering same daily

We have also been trying since December to pay for our Apple developer program. Its been more than 6months. Our android app was live within 3 days.

We have tried absolutely everything and spend countless hours on calls/emails and so much money trying to resolve this. Apple is useless plain straight forward. If it wasnt for our clients that use Iphone which results in us having no other option but to try and release our app on store, I would never speak to an apple agent or use an apple product again.

Apple is the most useless company on earth that have brainwashed their customers and made life a misery for me. We have lost so much clients and money because of this basic payment issue from apple.

I've had the same exact problem! Any helpful answers?

I am from India and my payment has failed for 2 different credit cards. Please let me know if anyone was able to resolve this from India.

I'm having the same problem
I’m from Saudi Arabia and I’m facing the same problem.
hey mayur,

since last 60 days am suffering same even apple support is waste they are not even telling us that why our payments
is not accepted 99$. Every day we try to make the payments i have almost used my every bank cards more than 10 still
apple is not accepting ..........

Same issue .. from Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
I tried all possible ways but no luck .. still struggling
I am from India since last 30 days am suffering same even apple support is waste my time. they are not even telling us that why our payments is not accepted 99$ i try to make the payments using 2 credit card and one debit card but nothing happened.
Please let me know if anyone was able to resolve this?
I do agree that Apple Support isn’t helping. It’s been over 2 months now and we still unable to complete the purchase. We have opened several cases via email and calls and no responses from Apple. Not only does Apple expensive but also not helping. Bummer!!! Please share if it happened you find a solution or if you know a 3rd party that could make it happen.

I have had the same issue for so long. I have been trying to pay with different debit cards. But then after trying so many different things. Using a credit card instead of a debit card worked for me. I really hope this method works for you all as well.

Developer account payment failed